Friday, February 14, 2025

Advertise with NikkeiWest

Deadline for submitting material are the 1st & 15th of each month
Exception: Some material can be sent via e-mail prior to publishing date.


The contents in this paper are copyrighted by NikkeiWest. All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced without prior written permission.

The NikkeiWest welcomes contributions, suggestions and story ideas from its readers. Opinions and stories expressed in the NikkeiWest are those of the writers and not of NikkeiWest.

The NikkeiWest is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts. All letters received become the property of the publisher. We reserve the right to print letters in condensed form and to edit them for libel.


NikkeiWest is not responsible for advertisements or statements suggested or implied by the advertisers. Because advertisers are responsible for the accuracy of their ads, they must assume complete liability for the content of their ads.

We reserve the right to accept or deny advertisement submissions based on its relevancy.


Text submission must be typed or sent via email. We reserve the right to edit or condense text.
Photos are always appreciated. Black and white or color prints are acceptable. Color photocopies or inkjets are not recommended. Photo attachments should be sent at minimum 300 dpi JPEG, TIFF or PDF format for best resolution.
We reserve the right to crop photos and illustrations to conform with space and design requirements.
Material will be returned only if accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.