Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Sonoma County Matsuri returns May 19th


SANTA ROSA, CA – Matsuri! Japanese Arts Festival will return to Juilliard Park and the SOFA Arts District of downtown Santa Rosa on Sunday, May 19, from 11am to 5pm.

Matsuri! has become one of the signature cultural festivals in the North Bay. The event is organized by Sonoma County Matsuri, whose mission is to offer deep insights into Japanese culture by providing a forum for artisans, artists, and performers of Japanese traditional arts to showcase their talents.

Performances at the admission-free, family-friendly Japanese festival will take place throughout the day in Juilliard Park. The festival will feature taiko drumming, traditional Japanese dance and music, martial arts demonstrations, tea ceremony, and more. Once again there will be a children’s activity booth and a demonstration of mochitsuki, the pounding of sweet rice into cakes. Complementing the festivities will be exhibitors and vendors offering Japanese arts, crafts, and food.

For more information about Matsuri! Japanese Arts Festival, visit or email

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